Monday, July 21, 2008

July 3, 2008

As I was driving to Cabot today, I'd drive through a dark place with HARD rain, then I'd drive right into the sunshine and I could tell it hadn't rained there at all. Then through the rain again and into the sun again. It was the strangest thing. Here I was driving in the sunny, dry parts, but you can see the raindrops still on my mirror from driving through that dark part.
My cousin, Katy and I stopped at Holland Bottom Farms in Cabot to get some veggies and fruit. They have the BEST produce. It tastes as good as it looks and it's all grown locally.

The berry farm is lined with these flowers. It had rained heavily there earlier but I got my feet a little muddy and walked along the row of flowers snapping a few shots. I took all of these pics with my little Canon that I keep in my purse and I was pleased with how they turned out.

I love the pic of this bud. It's so neat looking.

I think this little butterfly just wanted his pic made. He kept flying onto the flowers I was shooting.

A tomato that looks like a clover!
This sign makes me smile every time I drive by. The owner told me the story of it today after I told him how much I liked it. There are several signs along the way, "Berries", "watermelon", "tomatoes", etc. He said he intentionally spelled squash wrong to get people's attention. One evening he left work as normal and sometime in the night someone came and took the sign and painted the SA on the front of it and put it back before the sun came up. He just decided to leave it that way if someone took that much time/effort to fix it up! :)
This funky little Bug was at the fireworks stand next to the produce stand. Thought it was so cute and the dudes that got in it matched the car so well. You know, sometimes people just really match their vehicle. . . these guys did. I wish I'd have been able to get my camera out in time to get their pic, too.


Mom of these kids said...

ooh, I love all these!!!

I do just have to know, how fast were you driving down the interstate when you took that first picture??? YIKES!

KHaynes said...

I have stories to put on with the pics. . .but was just trying to get the pics uploaded first. I've been keeping up with my pics - just not in getting them posted online!

Ummmm.... I was going a little bit fast. However, I had tried taking a couple of pics with my arm sticking out of the sunroof - but for some reason I couldn't hold the camera still :) haha! I was getting frustrated because it was SO weird - driving in the sunshine only a minute after driving through such a hard storm/rain. I think this shot was much safer than the other two I deleted! :) LOL

I need to post a "DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME" message on that pic, I guess! :) LOL