Monday, June 16, 2008

June 11, 2008

WARNING: This post is going to get a little bit "National Geographic" on you. But, hey, it's nature and I just documented it. hahaha! (And I still want to vomit everytime I think about it! . . . so of course, gotta gross all of you out, too!! :) lol)

I'm not sure what kind of bird this is. . . so if anyone knows, please leave a comment and tell me. This Mama Bird. She built her nest under the covered area of the entrance to the church.

This is "Baby D" as I've come to call him. Don't you just love that hair-do!! Baby D starts chirping for Mama Bird to bring his breakfast. He has 3 other brothers/sisters.
Here's Mama Bird flying in to feed a couple of the babies. I think it looks like the babies are singing the Hallelujah Chorus.
Mama Bird didn't forget Baby D. How could she?? He's the loudest!
I've always thought it was pretty gross how a mama bird had to stick her face in her baby's mouth to feed it. . .

Mama Bird seems to be thinking "I just fed him and he's still hollering!" I think all of us mothers have experienced that feeling at one time or another.Mama Bird telling the babies, "You better stop that whining before I give you something to whine about!"
So, as I'm taking pics, I notice Baby D start rooting around and shaking his tail feathers and looking like he is going to fall out of the nest backwards. . . so I keep watching and shooting. . .
However, I was NOT prepared for this!! Baby D had to use the bathroom and before he could finish himself, Mama Bird reached down and pulled that 'stuff' right out for him! (Gag!! GROSS! I almost vomited!!)

And she flew off with it. I guess she called herself keeping her nest clean, but he was already hanging over the edge and it would have hit the ground and I wouldn't have had to be so sick at my stomach for the entire morning. I did say a quick little 'thank you' prayer: "THANK YOU, God, for not making me a bird!!" I would have been a single, childless bird forever!!
I'm SO ready for these little babies to fly the nest!! I'm so tired of the bird poop that Mama Bird DOESN'T fly off with being all over floor in front of the doorway!


Mom of these kids said...

Noah and I think that is a Barn Swallow.....

Google it and see.

RADstitches said...

I HATE those birds. You should come to my house and look at MY front door. The baby birds pooping made more of a mess than the mama bird. From now on... I properly remove the little varmits from the wreath and don't even feel bad about it when I get done!!!