Monday, June 16, 2008

June 10, 2008

This pretty moth was on my porch today. I was afraid it was going to fly off before I could go get my camera. But, then I got to looking at it's body and I really didn't think it would be able to fly with that big ol' body it has. This moth definitely "got back".
When I was outside taking pics of the moth, I noticed my little rose bush had a couple of roses on it. I'm so proud. I've had this rose bush for SEVERAL years. It was planted in the front yard, but it never grew, and then a couple of years ago, Jackson just started mowing over it. I finally dug it up this year and put it in a container on the porch.

1 comment:

Mom of these kids said...

OMG...that Moth is AWESOME!! I love it!, I need a picture of that for our Moth/butterfly folder!