Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

June 15, 2008

I didn't take a pic today, so here is one from a few nights ago. The sky was so awesome and I was standing on my porch trying to catch a lightening bolt. I finally did, but it was way off in the distance and it doesn't really show up too well here.

June 14, 2008

Noticed this line all over the hood of my car. Thought it was a scratch at first, but then noticed it was a trail in the dew.
And here's who made it.

June 13, 2008

June 12, 2008

June 11, 2008

WARNING: This post is going to get a little bit "National Geographic" on you. But, hey, it's nature and I just documented it. hahaha! (And I still want to vomit everytime I think about it! . . . so of course, gotta gross all of you out, too!! :) lol)

I'm not sure what kind of bird this is. . . so if anyone knows, please leave a comment and tell me. This Mama Bird. She built her nest under the covered area of the entrance to the church.

This is "Baby D" as I've come to call him. Don't you just love that hair-do!! Baby D starts chirping for Mama Bird to bring his breakfast. He has 3 other brothers/sisters.
Here's Mama Bird flying in to feed a couple of the babies. I think it looks like the babies are singing the Hallelujah Chorus.
Mama Bird didn't forget Baby D. How could she?? He's the loudest!
I've always thought it was pretty gross how a mama bird had to stick her face in her baby's mouth to feed it. . .

Mama Bird seems to be thinking "I just fed him and he's still hollering!" I think all of us mothers have experienced that feeling at one time or another.Mama Bird telling the babies, "You better stop that whining before I give you something to whine about!"
So, as I'm taking pics, I notice Baby D start rooting around and shaking his tail feathers and looking like he is going to fall out of the nest backwards. . . so I keep watching and shooting. . .
However, I was NOT prepared for this!! Baby D had to use the bathroom and before he could finish himself, Mama Bird reached down and pulled that 'stuff' right out for him! (Gag!! GROSS! I almost vomited!!)

And she flew off with it. I guess she called herself keeping her nest clean, but he was already hanging over the edge and it would have hit the ground and I wouldn't have had to be so sick at my stomach for the entire morning. I did say a quick little 'thank you' prayer: "THANK YOU, God, for not making me a bird!!" I would have been a single, childless bird forever!!
I'm SO ready for these little babies to fly the nest!! I'm so tired of the bird poop that Mama Bird DOESN'T fly off with being all over floor in front of the doorway!

June 10, 2008

This pretty moth was on my porch today. I was afraid it was going to fly off before I could go get my camera. But, then I got to looking at it's body and I really didn't think it would be able to fly with that big ol' body it has. This moth definitely "got back".
When I was outside taking pics of the moth, I noticed my little rose bush had a couple of roses on it. I'm so proud. I've had this rose bush for SEVERAL years. It was planted in the front yard, but it never grew, and then a couple of years ago, Jackson just started mowing over it. I finally dug it up this year and put it in a container on the porch.

June 9, 2008

Monday, June 9, 2008

June 8, 2008

This is my 50cent plant from Lowe's. I saw a 6-pack of almost dead flowers for 50cents and I took it as a challenge. I planted them all and only this one survived. It's really spread out and grown.

June 7, 2008

June 6, 2008

June 5, 2008

June 4, 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

June 3, 2008

Doesn't that smile just melt your heart?!?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June 2, 2008

Dedicated to Fha :)
When you come back and visit in October, I'll take you to the Olive Garden to eat.
I'm so proud of me! :) I actually got something other than Chicken Alfredo today at the Olive Garden. I always plan to try something new, but I never do. But I DID IT TODAY!! This Chicken Scampi was GREAT!

June 1, 2008

May 31, 2008

Gerald took me bream fishing today. This is my favorite kind of fishing. . . as long as I have someone to bait my hook and take the fish off - well, that goes for any type of fishing. We spent about 3 1/2 hours in the boat this morning and caught about 15 fish.

Here's Zeus checking out a cricket that got loose.
"Big" ol' bream

After going back to the camper for a few hours, we went fishing again. I felt more like I was on a safari or some type of animal sight-seeing expedition!
I'm always looking for snakes when Gerald lets the back of the boat get in the trees, but this is the first little green snake I've seen! I told Gerald if he backed me into this tree and the snake got in the boat, I was going to throw it on him. He doesn't like snakes about like I don't like spiders!

I'm used to seeing turtles everywhere. . . but this one was so little and he was all by himself!
Here is one fo the snakes I DON'T like to see!

We've been watching a lot of CSI Miami the past couple of weeks and I had a little Horatio moment today. I noticed this shoe so the first thing I did was really check it out to see if there was a leg attached. I had to pull my sunglasses down to get a better look and then as I was putting them back up to my eyes, I got tickled because it made me think of how many times each episode Horatio pulls his sunglasses off or puts them on. That is the dorkiest part of the show. Jackson and I always make comments about Horatio and his shades! I thought I could probably be a detective, because I'm sure I looked as cool as Horatio when I pulled my shades down to really check out the 'crime' scene.

By the way, I didn't see a leg attached, but I thought I'd document the evidence in case it was needed later. Hahaha!

May 30, 2008

We headed to Lake Chicot for the weekend and to bring the camper back home.
My favorite place to get a cheeseburger is at Rhoda's. She really is famous for her hot tamales. . . but her cheeseburgers are the best EVER!

May 29, 2008

May 28, 2008