Tuesday, June 3, 2008

May 31, 2008

Gerald took me bream fishing today. This is my favorite kind of fishing. . . as long as I have someone to bait my hook and take the fish off - well, that goes for any type of fishing. We spent about 3 1/2 hours in the boat this morning and caught about 15 fish.

Here's Zeus checking out a cricket that got loose.
"Big" ol' bream

After going back to the camper for a few hours, we went fishing again. I felt more like I was on a safari or some type of animal sight-seeing expedition!
I'm always looking for snakes when Gerald lets the back of the boat get in the trees, but this is the first little green snake I've seen! I told Gerald if he backed me into this tree and the snake got in the boat, I was going to throw it on him. He doesn't like snakes about like I don't like spiders!

I'm used to seeing turtles everywhere. . . but this one was so little and he was all by himself!
Here is one fo the snakes I DON'T like to see!

We've been watching a lot of CSI Miami the past couple of weeks and I had a little Horatio moment today. I noticed this shoe so the first thing I did was really check it out to see if there was a leg attached. I had to pull my sunglasses down to get a better look and then as I was putting them back up to my eyes, I got tickled because it made me think of how many times each episode Horatio pulls his sunglasses off or puts them on. That is the dorkiest part of the show. Jackson and I always make comments about Horatio and his shades! I thought I could probably be a detective, because I'm sure I looked as cool as Horatio when I pulled my shades down to really check out the 'crime' scene.

By the way, I didn't see a leg attached, but I thought I'd document the evidence in case it was needed later. Hahaha!

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