Tuesday, August 28, 2007

August 28, 2007

I was so excited to finally see some actual RAINDROPS!!! I wasn't TOO surprised when it started raining while I was in town. It has been over a month since we've had rain at our house and I was sure this shower was missing our place, too. But after I got home today, we did get a nice shower! I'm sure it's all evaporated by now. . . but it was nice to actually get to see and hear the rain for a few minutes!

August 27, 2007

Jackson and I spent the day at Chenal Country Club in Little Rock taking photographs of the Allel McDonald's Classic Golf Tournament. We had a great day!

August 26, 2007

My Race-For-The-Cure notebook. . .

Saturday, August 25, 2007

August 25, 2007

The sky was amazing tonight! It thundered for quite a while this evening - and the skies got dark - but still no rain. When I went out on the porch late in the evening just to check again - this is what I saw. It almost took my breath away. It was so beautiful. No picture can ever really come close to being as beautiful as the sky really is looking with your own eyes. But these pics will help me remember just how breathtaking the sky was tonight!

Friday, August 24, 2007

August 24, 2007

August 23, 2007

Decided to experiment with the video on my underwater camera. I think it's pretty cool!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

August 22, 2007

August 21, 2007

So. . . I found one of the two peppers that actually grew on the sad little pepper plants on the ground. Guess the sad little pepper plant wasn't strong enough to hold the tiny pepper any longer! You can see how small it is in this first pic compapred to the leaves beside it.
A closeup of Tiny Pepper.

Here is a shot of Tiny Pepper #2.
I really don't have great expectations for this guy!

August 20, 2007

Yes. . . more cloud pics! I was so excited to have such beautiful skies! The past few weeks have been so hot and dry and there haven't been many clouds in the sky.

August 19, 2007

August 18, 2007

I planted some bell pepper plants early this year. . . and they are the saddest little plants I've ever seen! They are SO short and they put off the tiniest little bell peppers ever! It hasn't helped that it's been so dry the past few weeks - but honestly, I think there is no hope for these plants. We continue to water them, but I think the only thing we are accomplishing is running up our water bill! Today Gerald and Jackson were working on something in Jackson's room and they called me in there to look at the little birds that were taking a bath in the sprinkler water. I took this first pic through the window.I tried to sneak out on the porch to get some better shots - but the birds just kept flying away. I did manage to hide for a minute and then sneak over and get a couple of shots before they heard the shutter and flew off!
By the time we actually get rain around here, I'm thinking we all may be out playing in the falling water, too!! I'm tired of brown, crunchy grass. And the leaves are already falling off the trees. I hope this drought doesn't mess up the fall colors!

August 17, 2007

August 16, 2007

August 15, 2007

Here's an old pic I really like. The only thing I picked up today was the cough-syrup bottle. So no pic taken today!

August 14, 2007

I've been so busy getting the program done and I've been sick with a bronchial infection. . . so getting a pic-of-the-day has been the last thing on my mind. I decided to just post my ad that is in the Bulldog program this year.

August 13, 2007

August 12, 2007

Another late night of working on the program. Didn't even think of doing a pic until I saw my best buddy laying there again waiting on me to go to bed!

August 11, 2007

I stayed up really late last night and was up late again tonight working on the Bulldog program. I looked down and saw Zeus sleeping in the little bed by my desk. He is so sweet. He won't go to bed until I do. He'll nap in my office while I work. . . but he waits on me every night to go to bed. I just LOVE the unconditional love of a dog!He doesn't really look comfortable. . . but I guess he must have been!
This is his 'don't ya want to scratch my belly' pose!
It usually works!!

August 10, 2007

August 9, 2007

August 8, 2007

These are the geese that live at Cane Creek.
I don't particularly like them... I think they are beautiful - but they are bullies. I think they like to chase people for fun. . . but hey, who can blame them!

I love taking pics at Cane Creek . . . but I was very disappointed when I went today. There was dog poop EVERYWHERE on the sidewalks and in the sand at the boat docks. It would be SO nice if people would pick up after their pets! No one else wants to have to step around the 'tootsie rolls' your dog leaves when it is 'tending to it's business'! SO please be responsible and pick up after your pets. . . especially if they crap on the sidewalk!!!! That's just nasty!

August 7, 2007

August 6, 2007

August 5, 2007

August 4, 2007

August 3, 2007

August 2, 2007