Monday, March 31, 2008

March 30, 2008

In my back yard. . .

March 29, 2008

He takes after his dad.
That's all I've got say about that.

March 28, 2008

I had to take Gerald over to his dad's shop the other day and as I was backing up I noticed these old trucks by the edge of the shop. I had to stop and get a pic. When I showed it to Gerald he told me that he remembered his Grandpa Haynes winning this truck and giving it to him when he was little. He won it at a drawing at Otasco or somewhere like that. This was just one of his old Tonka trucks.
I love how pics can bring back memories of the ones we love and of good times.

March 27, 2008

Well, that didn't turn out quite like I meant for it to!
It's a little bit SMALL!!
If you get your binoculars out, you can see that it is Jackson pitching during baseball practice. He is excited about baseball this year, and we should have a pretty good team. However, I hope we lose at least one game because his coach (aka MY husband!) has promised the kids if they go undefeated this season, he will shave his head.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not against the bald look at all. It looks great on some guys. Just not sure how it will look on Gerald. And then I think, "What if it doesn't grow back?" or "What if it only grows back in patches??" He'll look like he's got the mange with only a few patches of hair on his head! I told him he needed to THINK about what he said before he spoke! And that he needed to go ahead and invest in Bullfrog Sunscreen Company! We'll jack the price of that stock way up if he's got to keep that white head covered up so it doesn't burn. We are heading to the lake for 10 days in June. . . and I bet a sunburned BALD head would hurt very badly! He tans so easily and has already started getting darker just from baseball practice. Now just picture this, it's the end of the season and his arms/face/neck are all tanned. . . and a glowing-white head. . .

Oh. . . I gotta quit. I'm getting stressed.

March 26, 2008

Yes, I took this pic. And yes, I did see the spider before I took the pic.
I am a strange person. . . I know, "SURPRISE! SURPRISE!" to those of you who know me well. . . but I go through spells where I am fascinated by spiders and can actually look at them without freaking out. I guess I'm in one of those times right now. At least until I see one unexpectedly and it freaks me out all over. Then I'm sure I'll be having the "grand-daddy long legs" dreams all over again! haha!

March 25, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

March 24, 2008

Sam cooked supper for us last night. When I got to their house, this is how Maggie looked. Maelea had fixed her hair.

Then Maelea got some more ponytail holders and I went to work on her hair! This is kind of what I looked like in the 80's! Not really, I never did the multi-ponytail look. But I have it POOFY on one side and stuck to my head on the other. . . and I did have the off-centered ponytail on the side of my head. . . and I had some MAJOR wings. . . Oh, I miss the 80's hairdos! Aquanet . . .88cents a can.

March 23, 2008

Maggie & Maelea hunting Easter eggs at Gma Polly's house.Maelea wore Gma Polly's jacket because it was cool outside.

March 22, 2008

We were sitting at camp when all of the sudden this blimp passed over.You'd have thought we'd never seen a blimp before the way we piled in the car and started following it to get a good pic!
There was a bass tournament at the lake today, so I guess they wanted to advertise this cotton product. I thought it was kind of crazy because I bet most of the farmers are in the fields - not fishing! It was cool to watch it though.

March 21, 2008

HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY girls! They had a blast running and playing at the lake!CHEESE!!

Peggy made this bowl of Easter candy for the kids. I made them let me get a pic of it before they tore into it. And it's a good thing I did, because just a few mins later, the bowl looked nothing like this! I know Ozzy at 15 peeps by himself!!
She's so creative!

I think Peeps are one of those things you either love or you hate. I hate 'em. They are so nasty to me! But they sure make cute decorations!

March 20, 2008


March 19, 2008

Jackson's big bass. Almost 20" long.

March 18, 2008

Better eat them quick. . . or make banana puddin'.

March 17, 2008

Princess Emma Kate and Princess Ella having their breakfast.I like to tell myself that Kaiden is thinking, "Aww, Aunt Kelly, do you really have to leave today?" When in all actuality, he's probably thinking, "You still here??"
Lilly LOVES to play "Peek-a-Boo". Even when she doesn't have a cloth in her hands! She still holds her hand up like she is really hiding under something! I bet we played this 100 times while I was here! I got tired of hearing myself say "Where's Lilly???" "There she is!" But when you get that beautiful smile. . . it's SO worth it!
Emma Kate, Ella & Kari at the observation deck of the Albany airport. I'd just gone through security and they called to tell me "bye" one last time.

March 16, 2008


March 15, 2008

March 14, 2008

Kari and the girls took me to the park near their house. I had mentioned that I REALLY wanted it to snow while I was there. . . and probably 5 mins later it started snowing. It was so beautiful. There was already lots of snow on the ground. . . but snow is magical to me and I loved being there with more snow coming down.When we were walking, we noticed some REALLY big footprints. . .
THEN we figured out who made them! :) It was Sasquatch!
I think he'd gotten cold enough to freeze.
He sure was stiff!

March 13, 2008

I made it to New York today. Going to have a few days to spend with my brother and his family. Once I got to his house and got settled in, Kari and the girls took me out to show me around town and we stopped at the market to get a few things for dinner. I LOVED their produce section. It was so neat. They had the best looking vegetable and had things arranged so neatly. I busted out the camera and started taking pics. . . I know people thought I was crazy - but I didn't care. And I figured someone from the store would stop me if they didn't want me taking pics!

March 12, 2008

Still leaning after the snow.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

March 11, 2008

The Redneck Sled enjoying retirement.

March 10, 2008

This is what I feel (and look) like on most Monday mornings, too!!

March 9, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

March 8, 2008

Mags poses with the snowman REDNECK SLEDDIN'

March 7, 2008

Samson, the neighbor's dog.
My nieces, Maelea & Maggie
The Old Truck
Winter Wonderland