Wednesday, January 2, 2008

January 1, 2008

Well, I think this is officially the first project I've ever started that I've completed! Yeah, me!

Several people have asked if I'm going to keep going on my Pic-A-Day blog. And since it's pretty much become a way of life for me - I think I'll continue it. Hopefully, I'll get better at posting in a TIMELY manner and not get a month behind this year. That will be my 2008 goal - get no more than 14 days behind on my posting. Why 14 days? Because I already know I'll be out of the country for 8 days in January and I'm sure it will take me a few days to get through all the pics and get them posted! :) Trying to be reasonable in my goal setting!

So . . . here goes. . . Pic-A-Day 2008
My plans for New Year's Day were to wake up and get straight in Pa's blue chair and watch the Razorback game with my Gma. HOWEVER, that was a really sad game. . . so I decided to take a pic of the Florida/Michigan game instead. THAT was more like a Bowl Game should be!! My Gma cooked up biscuits and sausage for breakfast and then for a lunch we had blackeyed peas, squash, yams, corn, ham, and cornbread. My Gma makes the best cornbread in the world! I've watched her make it over and over and I've tried to make it several times. . . but no one came make cornbread like my Gma Polly!

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