Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 26, 2008

I got to go to horse riding lessons with Jillian and Karen today. I guess Karen has gotten used to seeing Jillian on that big ol' horse. . . but it made me SO nervous. Especially when the horse took off and she was riding around the barrels. I kept telling Karen they needed to slow down!
After her lesson, Jillian got to ride the horse through the pasture and into this pond. It was so cool (and scary!) to watch her! She was really excited to get to do this. We kept waiting for the horse to decide she wanted to lay down and cool off - but she never did.

May 25, 2008

May 24, 2008

May 23, 2008

May 22, 2008

I went down to visit Maggie and Maelea today. . .
but instead found Elton John and Bono.

May 21, 2008

Jackson and I were outside today and we noticed this baseball out in the yard. Must have been one they missed after a practice one day. Judging from where this was laying, it was DEFINITELY a foul ball !!

May 20, 2008

These tiny roses used to be in front of my great grandmother's house, which was where my house sits now. When we first moved out to the farm, we had a trailer back off the road. I went to my great grandmother's and got a cutting off her gigantic rose bush and started my own little bush. Now, 18 years later, my rose bush is as big, if not bigger, than hers was. It's so pretty with all the tiny little pink roses all over it. I'm so glad I did that, too, because her rose bush is gone. Can't remember exactly what happened to it, but I'm sure it got destroyed when we were clearing the land to move up closer to the road.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Monday, May 19, 2008

May 18, 2008

This spider was hanging on the side of my studio door. Jackson told me it was a Black Widow and I argued with him. I thought Black Widows were smaller and kinda furry. . . not bubble-butted and slick. (I think I got the body shape confused with Brown Recluse).

Jackson eased over to the edge and peeked under it's belly and saw the red markings. Again, I told him he was wrong because the Black Widow had the red on the back. I thought it was one of those 'fakers'. . . those animals that appear to be the poisionus/dangerous kind but aren't.

Gerald finally got over to the studio and he said it was a Black Widow. I took several pics. . . and yes, I used a zoom lens - but I still got much closer than I wanted. But, I had to have pics to compare with pics I would find online, because I still didn't believe it was a Black Widow. And what do you know? The pics I took look just like several I saw online. . .and the pics I saw online had pics of spiders with the red hourglass on the belly and on the back. So, even though I wasn't TOTALLY wrong. . . they were WAY more right than I was!

Now it takes me ten minutes to get in my studio when I go over there because I spend so much time looking around for spiders before I get near the door!

Yes. . . I'm still VERY SCARED of spiders. . . but it's weird. Sometimes I can see one and be more fascinated by it than scared. I guess I'm going through one of my 'big girl' phases. I'm sure it won't last long. Especially if I see another spider and no one is around to kill it for me!

May 17, 2008

May 16, 2008

May 15, 2008

May 14, 2008

Thirteen years ago I got the best Mother's Day present ever.

Happy Birthday, Jackson!

May 13, 2008

Yes, it was just after a rain. I didn't use a spray bottle! :)

May 12, 2008

I'm thinking these would make good yearbook ad pics for their senior year?!?