Monday, February 25, 2008

February 24, 2008

Maelea lost her 2nd tooth today!One that's proud to have lost another tooth. . .
and one who says she is NEVER gonna lose her teeth!

February 23, 2008

I love water.
I recently had my car buffed/waxed and now the water just beads up.

February 22, 2008

February 21, 2008

Wiki-sticks at Layne's

February 20, 2008

I wanted to try to get a cool pic of the moon tonight but it was so cloudy here! And by the time of the total eclipse, I couldn't even see the moon! :( This is just a quick shot I got of it before the clouds covered it! Not a great pic - but still neat, I think.

February 19, 2008

February 18, 2008

Jackson tore his t-shirt and he ended up just ripping it to pieces. He was creative and made Zeus a snazzy little scarf out of a piece of it. Zeus seems to be impressed. I'm glad I can't read his mind when we do these crazy things to him! :)

February 17, 2008

February 16, 2008

Don't you just love that blank-eyed, "cheese" face?!?!
SOMEDAY I'm gonna get a great pic of him smiling!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008

February 14, 2008

I love the sky and clouds. This morning as I was leaving to take Jackson to school I noticed where a jet stream had crossed in the clouds.
Ten minutes later when I got back home, I noticed this jet stream. I love to see the different patterns in the sky.

February 13, 2008

Ella waved when I told her she was going to be my picture of the day today. She's such a sweet baby girl! She just cooed and talked tonight . . . until I switched my camera over to video that is! Typical kid! :) lol

Ella's big brother. . .

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 9, 2008

Hmmm... I got to looking and noticed I forgot the pics for the 9th! I had them, but I guess when you post a month and a half worth of pics at once. . . it's easy to skip a day! :) LOL I'll just post them here and get back on track with the next post.

I took pics of the high school baseball team today for the program I am doing for them. And, as always, Trent started 'workin' it' for the camera. I think he has a little captain in him! :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February 12, 2008

SOMEBODY lost their first tooth today!
Maelea was so funny. She'd say "Wanna see my loose tooth?" and show us her empty space where her loose tooth used to be! She was so proud and she can't wait for the tooth fairy to come visit tonight!

February 11, 2008

February 10, 2008

February 8, 2008

February 7, 2008

February 6, 2008

February 5, 2008

February 4, 2008

February 3, 2008

WELL... we missed our flight in Atlanta by EIGHT MINUTES!! The plane was still at the gate but they'd already closed the doors and they would not reopen it! ARRGGHHH!!!!! I'd rather miss it by an hour or two than EIGHT LITTLE MINUTES!

Our flight was about an hour late leaving San Pedro Sula, and then it took about an hour for our bags to come up on the conveyor belt. We still had to go through customs and RUN to our gate! We looked like a bunch of crazy people running through the airport! Of course, that was THE last flight to Little Rock for the night. The next one wasn't leaving until 8:40 Sunday morning. . . and they only had room for part of the group! The others of us had to wait until 1 pm to fly out of Atlanta!

The plane of the lucky ones who got to go at 8:40!
Our 1:30 flight left about 1:50. . . but we were finally headed home!
Inside Little Rock airport!!

Febuary 2, 2008

So glad we didn't see this lizard until the last day as we were getting our luggage to the door! Unlike my first trip two years ago, we didn't see many lizards.We had about an hour to do some souvenier shopping.
Omar met us at the airport. He works the Bro. Larry on the Honduras 100 project. He's been with us on all three trips. He's become like family to us!
Our plane at San Pedro Sula! YEAH! We are all so ready to get home!
Our plane was an hour late taking off. . .

February 1, 2008

This monunment stood at the bottom of the mountain. It told of the history of the village of Higuerito.
A couple of my favorite girls! The one on the right looks like Punky Brewster to me. Her name is Carlena, but Susan and I just called her Punky all week!
Dennis & Shiloh
Dennis works with Omar on the churches. He is an awesome guy! He has such an amazing life story and he is so much fun to be around. We didn't understand each others speech. . .but we were all able to communicate well.
Me & Carlena before I left for the last time. She was SO sweet. She just hugged me and kissed me and even cried a little when it was time for us to go! I'd loved to have stuck her in my suitcase and smuggled her home with me! She is a sweet girl!

January 31, 2008

This is Kevin and he is 16-years old. He worked with us all week. His muscles were something! He could flex his arms and these little mounds would just pop up! He said he worked out at a gym every week. Here's he's blowing his muscle up! :) LOL

The church is really starting to take shape!After several people got sick, we decided not to eat at the hotel restaurant tonight. We went to Church's Chicken instead. Here is the guard at Church's!!
It's not uncommon at all to see guards like this at the places of business.

January 30, 2008

Once the frame and roof were completed, it was time to start putting up the walls. The concrete mixer was on the third level of the mountain and the guys had to get up to church the old fashioned way. This appeared to be quite a chore!
Once the mixer was there, the bags of cement that were on the truck (on the higher level of the mountain) had to be brought down to the church. . . once again, the old-fashioned way!
Thomas wasn't going to get shown-up by the younger guys. . . so he carried a bag of cement AND a block!!
Tools of the trade.
The first block is laid.